Sunday, February 15, 2009

Welcome of Sorts

My first post on this blog. I will be posting older entries from other random blogs of mine up here to keep them all in one spot, along with new blogs as time goes on.

Welcome to my anxiety hell. I guess that isn't much of a welcome but every time I think I've hit rock bottom in dealing with my anxiety something else comes along and proves me wrong.

For those who haven't experienced an anxiety disorder, it can be really hard to understand the overwhelming feelings that come with it. Everyone with an anxiety disorder experiences their anxiety differently, but there are a few general things that everyone with one of the anxiety disorders shares in common.

1. We know what we get anxious over isn't rational. Yes, we can always find reasons and ways to rationalize it as a coping mechanism, but at least for anyone who has come to terms with their anxiety, they know there is no logical reason to feel this way.
2. Telling someone with an anxiety disorder to just 'relax' is like telling a locomotive to just 'stop'. It isn't going to happen and trust me, if all we needed to do was just relax, life would be bliss.
3. Forcing someone with an anxiety disorder to just 'face their fears' and 'just do it' can not only be uncomfortable on good days, but on bad days can be wholly traumatic.
4. There aren't a lot of good options for medications to help with anxiety, as many of them are under the 'depressant' category, ie, the turn you into a zombie category. The same category with warnings to not drive or operate heavy machinery. It leaves us with the choice of living in an anxiety hell, having attacks that can be fleeting or last days and even weeks at a time and spending our life trying to avoid anything that might possibly trigger an attack, or living in a drugged hell were we might as well not know what is going on.

For me personally, this blog is a way to try and cope. And to admit that it isn't just stress or school or work that causes my anxiety. I've known for years I get anxious easily, ever since puberty I'd have mild attacks but always felt I had some way to rationalize it. As the years went on I'd get more and more anxious over things and found ways to rationalize it and cope.

For example, Email and the Internet for the longest time was my savior, as one of my triggers is talking on the phone, even with people I know well. As the years went on, I found ways to avoid this trigger. I'd not answer the phone while in the office unless the caller ID said it was either one of the other editors or my husband, everything would go to voicemail. I'd check the voicemail later and call people back at my leisure. But it evolved into I'd check the messages and push off the responsibility to return calls to other people. Then I wouldn't even check the messages myself anymore. My anxiety was getting progressively worse over the years, but I was still at the point I could function. I'd email people and they'd email me back. Then I'd start to get anxious over seeing emails in the inbox and opening them became a nightmare. I'd put my hand over the screen and look away as I clicked on the email, and often would keep my hand up there to read it line by line so as not to be overwhelmed by the entire email. Then I'd go days without checking my email. Now there are days when just thinking about email even if I know there isn't going to be anything other than junk mail in it, gives me a full blown anxiety attack.

I have many other 'triggers', which I will post a running list of things I know are triggers for me, and just as many other times that I've ended up in an anxiety attack and not known anything to have caused it; it just happened. When I peel back all the layers, all the normal stressors that everyone experiences, take away any out of the ordinary circumstances that would cause anyone to flip out (and there have been some), and just really look at myself...

I finally asked myself "Even if there wasn't this, that and the other... how would you feel?"
My answer.... "ANXIOUS"


  1. I have tourette syndrome, OCD, ADD, and severe anxiety constantly. There is nothing I Can do to curb my anxiety. I refuse to check my email, I am horrified of it, why? I don't know. I just am horrified of the thought of it. My girlfriend went to Ecuador and I've even found myself avoiding her until the last possible moment when my anxiety cannot take it anymore. She calls me all the time, and I try to pick up, but sometimes I cannot even. My email is like a demon to me. My tics worsen because of it and i've given myself acne, which is devastating, because I've never had it and I have a good looking face (not trying to be a tool) but I'm not a bad looking guy, and i've been scarring up my face with tics from anxiety. Some of us just seem to get the bad shit in life, and although it seems unbareable, i'm sure that i'll struggle through it just like enough again. I wish I Could offer you advice, but the only thing I can say is, exercise, medidate, and get outside. That is the only thing that can help me. I didn't do any of those today,and I feel like shit. Why not be honest too, I smoke cigarettes, am a alcoholic pretty much, and am addicted to my medication. There simply isn't room in society for us, becuase we are the worms to a capitalistic society. IF you tell someone how horrible you feel, you're either misunderstood, labeled, or put on a fucking list where you have to wait a month to talk to someone. If you want I'm here to talk to, and maybe we can get through this crap together, because obviously there is no room in today's society for people like us. I cannot explain to my coworkers that I missed another meeting and havne't responded for a week because I feel sick to my stomach and overwhelmed with anxiety to the point where I can't sleep and sleep all day and cannot even check my email for fear of something horrible being on it. I've gone from job to job, etc., and it is just time to end this shit. I've contemplated suicide many times, almost nightly for a span of several years, and it just isn't going to work anymore. I refuse to give up, and although my mind says, "fuck it, who cares, death is the only thing that can make you feel better at this point in time", I know that is just a little devil sitting on my shoulder who needs to be flicked off. Hang in there pal. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. even though you are meant to feel alienated with the way things work nowadays, people who don't have your symptoms don't understand, but we can't expect them to. A health professional may want to help you, but without the knowledge of how it feels to be in your shoes, the help is extremely limited in scope. Medication is bullshit, I hate it, and now I can't even use it to make myself feel better. Having lived my whole "long" 22 years of life on this earth, not a single day has passed where I've had anxiety and feel like shit for no reason for extended periods of time. The good old, "that's it, tomorrow I'm changing my ways" only seems to work for about 2 days for me. It doesn't help that I'm alone now and have lost people I care about because I'm too proud to admit that I have a severe list of disabilities and syndromes, but just make sure you approach this stuff in the right fashion. I've handled it horribly. I've simply stopped going to jobs and showing up and never contacted them again because of my anxiety, my credit is horrible, and my grades are plummeting. The only thing that keeps me going is the thought that the alternative is not living at all, which at times seems glorious, but I know that somewhere out there, there is a day in time when I will feel okay, and I will be okay, I just don't know how to get there. This blog is the first time I've ever been honest about my life, and it feels really great, I'm sad no one responded earlier to you. That sucks. It makes you feel even more alone. My only realistic advice: do what makes you happy. If that means quitting your job and pursuing your dreams, or finding a balance where you can do both, or spending more time playing music or whatever, do it, because life is way tooo short to spend 22 more years suffering. Hang in there, never give up, look at life as an opportunity to pursue your livelihood, and that is all I have, because I am not hypocrite. Hang in there pal, you're loved by many people.

  2. I think i must have anxiety. I want to buy a car but I feel sick looking at car ads let alone contacting anyone. I only answer the phone if its a close friend and i get nervous phoning anyone. I'm almost never happy and when I am happy I worry about losing my hapiness. I don't think my anxiety is nearly as strong as what you've described but I can definitley relate. I get very anxious around other people and I put to much pressure on everything i say. I think about things i wish i hadnt said for weeks and even years. Things that go wrong don't go over well. They tend to haunt me and make me afraid of doing them again. The regret is more painful then the painful experiences themselves. It doesn't make sense at all. Even right now I am reading this over to make sure I didn't fuck it up. I've never been diagnosed with anything because I've always been afraid to tell anyone how I feel. I'm very bottled. I do whatever I can to escape, without hurting myself, all the time. I look to anything (music, movies, painting) to draw myself away if only for a few moments. Yesterday I came to the conclusion that I need someone to talk to about shit like this and this could be it. I will also listen to anything else anyone has to say on the subject. I have read everything above and it is nice to hear from people with similar issues. I think I just need a release.

    I agree that suicide is not worth it. Death is garunteed, why waste life that may be temporary, even if it fucking sucks ass half the time.

    Some things that have made me feel better are Eternal Sunshine for the spotless mind, lost in translation, conversations with god book 1, ulrich schnauss, and sigur ros, painting, drawing, tea, alcohol, smoking (sometimes), a million little peices. These are some of the things that I would call my "medication." They just make me feel better. If you guys know any good books or movies or whatever please post. Anything to make me feel better.
